Each summer we offer Grief Camp in June and July for children, middlers, and teens. These nights act as touch points during the busy summer months while our family groups are not meeting regularly.
Grief Camp is designed to:
- Break the isolation children and teens feel after a death
- Teach healthy coping skills for managing grief in daily life
- Develop resiliency in youth affected by death and grief
- Provide a safe place where participants share similar experiences
Grief Camp combines age-appropriate grief activities with summer fun to help children and teens learn that a sense of normalcy in their lives is still possible.
Grief Camp 2023 Dates
June Grief Camp:
6/21 Middlers & Teens 4-8pm
6/22 Little Ones (4 & up) and Children 4-8pm
July Grief Camp:
7/26 Middlers & Teens 5:30-8pm
7/27 Little Ones (4 & up) and Children 5:30-8pm